Bot of the public, free and independent search engine Seekport
Seekport is an internet search engine. Originally founded in 2003, the search engine has been operated by SISTRIX, a platform intelligence provider from Bonn (Germany), since December 2014.
The search engine is a public, free and independent alternative to Google. Seekport does not store user data and does not profile users. Seekport is also operated without advertising and has no conflicts of interest in the display of search results.
In order to operate independently of the major search engines, the SeekportBot scours the public internet to find and update content for Seekport's search index.
The SeekportBot always identifies itself correctly with the user agent “Mozilla/5.0 (compatible; SeekportBot; +
”. The SeekportBot also follows the Disallow instructions in robots.txt. A complete and up-to-date list of IP addresses used by the SeekportBot can be viewed at any time at this URL.
The SeekportBot tries at all times not to overload websites and to make as few calls per second as possible. If the crawler's default settings are still too high for your website, you can set the waiting time between two calls using the crawl delay statement in robots.txt:
User-agent: SeekportBot
Crawl-delay: 2
After you have changed your robots.txt, it may take a while until the bot has registered the new version and adheres to the rules.
If you don't want the SeekportBot to crawl your website, you can prevent it by adding an entry in robots.txt. The bot is addressed as "SeekportBot":
User-agent: SeekportBot
Disallow: /
After you have changed your robots.txt, it may take a while until the bot has registered the new version and adheres to the rules.
If you have any questions or comments about the SeekportBot, please feel free to contact us at You can find a legally valid imprint according to German regulations at this URL.